Oh yes, we are definitely becoming worser!
Bungi Bill
JoinedPosts by Bungi Bill
If we are further away from perfection, why are we more moral?
by stuckinarut2 inas we know, witnesses teach that adam and eve were perfect and then committed the first act of sin and rebellion.. they in turn were cursed,and we all declined as their offspring.
humans supposedly lived shorter and shorter lives, and became more imperfect and sinful.. the further away in time humans go then, they should be getting worse.
so why is it then that as a society, humans have actually improved in so many ways?.
If we are further away from perfection, why are we more moral?
by stuckinarut2 inas we know, witnesses teach that adam and eve were perfect and then committed the first act of sin and rebellion.. they in turn were cursed,and we all declined as their offspring.
humans supposedly lived shorter and shorter lives, and became more imperfect and sinful.. the further away in time humans go then, they should be getting worse.
so why is it then that as a society, humans have actually improved in so many ways?.
Bungi Bill
Very good point.
The JWs certainly present a very skewed view of "The World", and anybody growing up solely under the influence of their propaganda would come with a similarly skewed outlook on things.
Instead, a lot of credit needs to go to such phases as the Age of Reason / Age of Enlightenment, and to scientific acheivements such as the "Green Revolution."
Do You Recall WT radio Dramas? (PSA's about 13 min)
by Wasanelder Once inin the 1960's and early 70's there were wt dramas on subjects of morality sent to radio stations to fulfill their required block of religious broadcasts.
the familiar voices are there in the dramas.
do you remember them?
Bungi Bill
This is the first I have ever heard of these things!
When did the Iron Age start according to the Bible? You'll be surprised!
by Crazyguy inread this over at reddit so the credit goes to the person over there but in genesis 4:22 it's say one of the offspring of adam knew how to work with iron roughly 130 years after the creation of man.
now historians and scientists say man didn't figure out how to use iron until about 1100 bc, man we're we wrong!
it's also interesting that cain is building a city when there like 10 people on the planet and nimrod goes on to build the tower of babel only about 100 year after the flood.
Bungi Bill
Good old Tubal Cain, "ancestor of all who work iron" - and writer of a regular column in the Model Engineer (UK) magazine!
The use of iron did not happen simultaneously across all the ancient civilisations. Amongst the first to use iron cutting implements were the Celtic peoples of North Western Eurpoe, who were by no means at the forefront of civilisation (The Celtic peoples included the ancient Britons, and also the Gauls of France - all of whom the Romans would have unequivocally classified as "barbarians").
A State of Emergency has been declared
by Bungi Bill ineverybody here right now is busy "battening down the hatches" as they wait for the approach of a tropical cyclone.
a state of emergency has been declared in the district - the second one in as many weeks.
(the floodwaters from the tropical cyclone that hit just last week have still not drained away).. so far, the biggest hazard looks like it will be the storm surges from the ocean, and people living in some exposed coastal areas have already been evacuated.
Bungi Bill
You betcha!
A State of Emergency has been declared
by Bungi Bill ineverybody here right now is busy "battening down the hatches" as they wait for the approach of a tropical cyclone.
a state of emergency has been declared in the district - the second one in as many weeks.
(the floodwaters from the tropical cyclone that hit just last week have still not drained away).. so far, the biggest hazard looks like it will be the storm surges from the ocean, and people living in some exposed coastal areas have already been evacuated.
Bungi Bill
Hey, it's a great time to be a utility worker. I'm sure they are making some great overtime right now!
Ordinarily, that would be me. However, as I am still recovering from a broken leg, I am well and truly "grounded" for this one!
A State of Emergency has been declared
by Bungi Bill ineverybody here right now is busy "battening down the hatches" as they wait for the approach of a tropical cyclone.
a state of emergency has been declared in the district - the second one in as many weeks.
(the floodwaters from the tropical cyclone that hit just last week have still not drained away).. so far, the biggest hazard looks like it will be the storm surges from the ocean, and people living in some exposed coastal areas have already been evacuated.
Bungi Bill
Hi, everybody.
I have been silent for the last 18 hours, as our electricity supplies (and with it, my internet access) have been down for most of that time. Horizon Energy only just managed to restore the power supply about an hour ago.
Thankfully, the danger has now passed.
However, the cleanup has only just begun; this storm caused extensive damage to the district's infrastructure. Many of the roads have been blocked with windfallen trees and / or landslides. This includes all the main highways. Extensive outlying areas are still without electricity, and water conservsation measures are in place, with some localities having to boil their water. Much of the damage to the power supply network has been caused by trees being blown down across power lines. I guess this is rather inevitable in a district where forestry and timber are major industries!
As far as I am aware, though (so far, at least), there have been no fatalities caused by this storm.
I formerly lived in Australia (Queensland, then later Tasmania). However, since the beginning of last year, I have been living in the Eastern Bay of Plenty area of New Zealand's North Island (an employment-driven move). The Bay of Plenty area usually has a rather mild climate. However, this month, it has received the tail end of no less than two Tropical Cyclones.
Only a week ago, it received a deluge from the tail end of Tropical Cyclone "Debbie", which had already caused extensive destruction across much of Queensland. This caused serious flooding across the district, and led to the evacuation of an entire town of 2000 people.
These floodwaters had only just begun to recede when another cyclone, "Cook", swept down across Vanuatu and hit the entire length of New Zealand with its tail. Once more, it seemed like the Bay of Plenty area was going to catch the worst of it, and everybody prepared for another disaster. However, cyclones are not always predictable, and the heaviest rains actually fell to the west of us. At least those who had already been evacuated from their homes were spared the ordeal of a second flood! All the damage in this this district was caused by strong wind gusts; but again, this was not nearly as bad as first feared.
As an aside, in this part of the world, the tropical cyclones are spawned in the Coral Sea, and then usually sweep along Queensland (sometimes also northern New South Wales) before often swinging off on a south-easterly course and striking the top of New Zealand's north Island. By this time, they have usually abated into "Tropical Storms", but are still quite destructive - as happened back in 1968, when ex-tropical Cyclone "Giselle" caused the sinking of the inter-island ferry Wahine, with the loss of 51 lives.
Anyway, yesterday everybody prepared for a disaster. Today, nobody is regretful that things didn't turn out as bad as first feared!
A State of Emergency has been declared
by Bungi Bill ineverybody here right now is busy "battening down the hatches" as they wait for the approach of a tropical cyclone.
a state of emergency has been declared in the district - the second one in as many weeks.
(the floodwaters from the tropical cyclone that hit just last week have still not drained away).. so far, the biggest hazard looks like it will be the storm surges from the ocean, and people living in some exposed coastal areas have already been evacuated.
Bungi Bill
I have just been looking at the "Rain Radar" on the Met Service website. It would seem that the Eastern BOP has missed most of the heavy rain (apart from a brief flutter around 4:30 - 5:00 pm).
The wind speed is rapidly building up, though, and we are in for a severe buffetting over the next few hours..
At least the people of Edgecumbe look like they will be spared another flooding!
A State of Emergency has been declared
by Bungi Bill ineverybody here right now is busy "battening down the hatches" as they wait for the approach of a tropical cyclone.
a state of emergency has been declared in the district - the second one in as many weeks.
(the floodwaters from the tropical cyclone that hit just last week have still not drained away).. so far, the biggest hazard looks like it will be the storm surges from the ocean, and people living in some exposed coastal areas have already been evacuated.
Bungi Bill
Everybody here right now is busy "battening down the hatches" as they wait for the approach of a Tropical Cyclone. A State of Emergency has been declared in the district - the second one in as many weeks. (The floodwaters from the Tropical Cyclone that hit just last week have still not drained away).
So far, the biggest hazard looks like it will be the storm surges from the ocean, and people living in some exposed coastal areas have already been evacuated.
As for ourselves, we are all packed up ready to go should the need to evacuate arise. Being located 5 kilometres inland, we ought to be outside the reach of storm surge.
However, we will know for sure within the next four to six hours, when this weather system is due to cross the coast (which is guesstimated to happen at a point about 40 kilometres west of here).
According to the Met Service, this is the most intense storm to come this way in 49 years.
Watchtower Corporation Days Are So Numbered, Thank You Information Age!
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think if we could have a graph of how the change rate of technology has sky rocketed during the last century or perhaps the last three centuries, the point would be clearly made.. say we had a huge graph of technological progress of man since his ability to make fire, about 600,000 years ago, we'd see that a new techno advancement in the species happened every 50,000 years or so, then doubling every so often till we reached the say 14th century then the doubling must have got into high gear, till now in the information age where light speed sets the limits.
now we have information at our finger tips and no need for making a laborious trips to library.
case in point type in jehovah's witnesses in any search engine.. ignorance is in a down turn no matter how hard the governing body demonize higher education, the internet, and whatever.. as this younger generation with information at your finger tips becomes of age no matter how young you get them committed by being baptized, it spells doom for these clowns running this corporation.
Bungi Bill
Much as I would like to believe this to be the case, I have my doubts. If you go back over posts on this and similar topics over the past decade or more, you will read many predictions that would have had the WTS dead and buried by now.
Hasn't happened though! Like the cockroaches and rats that always survive a nuclear blast, this thing is most reluctant to fall over and die.